

Changing the lens through which you view things can change everything. The ‘end of the rainbow’ is a lot closer when you know the short-cut…


I’d like to explain how your goalposts of retirement could be about to slide a LOT closer in ways you never knew possible.


Would that be okay?


I know you’re busy right now with everything you’ve got going on, but I’d like to show you a world where you don’t have to be busy. If you’re fed up with the workaday, rush around existence, I know where you’re coming from and wrote this especially for you.


If nothing else, the next few minutes will totally change your perspective on life and show you the ‘emergency exit’ from the system!


If you can just catch your breath for the next few minutes and take the time to read this, life could look very different for you as soon as next week…


Low Cost Living + No Work = Retirement


Free gas may not sound like it’s going to change your life, but this is just a small sample of the sort of know-how I’d like to let you in on here.


I mean, if everything was free you could retire now, right?


Or, to look at it another way, saving money makes you wealthier! As long as your lifestyle doesn’t suffer in the process, you’d get out of debt quicker for sure. You wouldn’t have to work so hard. Maybe your partner wouldn’t have to work.


You get the idea…


Money Saved is Like Money Made


But here’s the best part: getting ‘free gas’ could just be the start of what you can get doing this. In my test-run at this, I made HUNDREDS of dollars of spare cash as well and I didn’t do a single thing apart from what I’d do on any other day…!


I know you’re looking for a catch:


Maybe it costs a lot of time or money to set up, maybe it’s risky or illegal, maybe it only applies to people on welfare, maybe you have to be a hired driver or a cab-driver, maybe it involves selling face to face or delivering something while you drive, maybe you have to drive hundreds of miles a day, maybe it’s a dividend from an oil company stock, maybe it’s just plain impossible…


Well, I’m not as clever (or as dishonest?) as that, but anyway, none of these catches apply!


It’s Really Very Simple…


When I get in my car and drive in the normal course of a day, the gas is effectively FREE with cash left over.


My name’s Jim Samson and I’ll explain everything right here if you bear with me and I’ll show you how to get this amazing report.


I know how this must sound.


When I first heard about this I almost fell off the chair laughing in disbelief. I mean, I’m actually embarrassed to be telling you about this it sounds so far-fetched!


Right now I imagine you’re probably thinking: “Okay, but what else are you doing apart from driving your car to get your gas paid for and get some spare cash?!” 


The answer is: NOTHING.


Does Not Invalidate Your Car Warranty


            I know you’re looking for the catch because I’ve been in your seat, you see. Yes, like you I’ve been searching for the perfect business and received all the junk mail promising this or that…


            It always sounded great in the sales piece, but of course, when it came to the crunch, there was always some detail missing. A sneaky little catch in there serving as a get-out-clause from what the snappy headline promised.


            Sound familiar…?


Simple is Best… And More Lucrative


            Refreshingly, in this case, the clever part isn’t ‘trickery’ or a play on words. No, the clever part is simply this amazing secret itself; the beauty of it is in its simplicity.


I really can’t stress this enough: this is categorically NOT multi-level marketing, network marketing, pyramid scheme or anything similar. I do not pester people cap-in-hand and ask them for money!       


I’m no salesperson.


You see, we’re talking more than your gas being paid for…


‘Free Gas’ and a Fistful of Cash for Good Measure

Picture this…


While you slept last night, your bank account was pumped with cash. It doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing, you just help yourself to the money from any ATM, anytime of day.


            This seems strange to you because all you’ve done is what you do every day: drive here and there doing ‘whatever’.


There's nothing like stuffing a handful of unexpected cash in your back pocket is there?


            And that cash came because you were burning gas, plain and simple. That’s why I say this gives you ‘free gas’.


            I mean, I probably don’t spend more than a hundred bucks a month on gas but I could make a lot more than that!


Now Traffic Jams Have an Upside


            My definition of easy money is when it comes naturally


            > You could be popping over to see friends…
            > Dropping the kids at school…

            > Stuck in a traffic jam on the way to work...
            > Driving across the country on vacation…
            > Going shopping (maybe your groceries will be free too!)…


Basically, you can make a SALARY doing things you would be doing anyway. Nothing to lose. Again, NO SELLING.


            And it doesn’t end there. If you like, you can offer this to your friends and family. You could charge for this or you could give it to them…


Give the Gift of… Gas


            You see, as well as giving you this incredible and proven system, I’m also offering you a way to make additional cash on top of what I’ve already spoken about. I’m giving you the license to sell this or give this to people you know.


            Their gas can be free and you can keep the cash they make on top.


            It’s a win-win!


            So as well as ‘FREE gas’ and some spare cash, you could have a nice little business going on the side. But don’t let that fool you…


Sparing You The Nightmare


            If you’ve ever been involved in running a business before, you’ll know that’s a headache. Let me assure you that there is…


… No work, no stock, no shipping, no paperwork, no accounting, no running costs, no staff, rent or overheads, no creativity or thinking, no study and most of all, NO RISK. Yes, there is virtually NO DOWNSIDE!


            That means the only way is UP, right? What is there to lose?


Miles = Money


            Get ready for a whole new way of living. Instead of depriving yourself of the journeys you want to do because of the cost, now you’ll be thinking of places to go!


            I know company cars are a dying benefit now, but can you imagine applying this to a job where you get reimbursed for mileage?? Double-money… ethically.


            This can pay all your motoring costs really, not just gas. Insurance, tolls, servicing, it all adds up, doesn’t it?


            And it’s only getting worse…


The Growing Gas Crisis


            Heard of ‘Peak Oil Theory’? There’s a growing consensus amongst geologists and oil analysts that all the available oil reserves in the world have already been tapped and therefore prices can only go up!


            Plus government and state taxes. Is it any wonder that fuel theft is rapidly increasing?


            But my ‘Free Gas Report’ spares you all this and can turn what most people find as a source of misery into a pleasure…


MUCH Happier Motoring in Under Twenty Minutes


            Alright, so what’s involved and how can you get started?


            Once you get your free report, you’re going to follow some very simple instructions. Seriously, anyone can do this.


            I’ll walk you through a few very basic steps on a computer. Then you’ll make a call. Lastly, you’re going to do the crucial step of making your car pay for itself. All in all, it can take as little as twenty minutes of your time and about thirty dollars to set up.


            And that’s it- no further investment of time or money is required.


            So how can you get your hands on a copy of ‘The Free Gas Report’…?


It’s Just One Small Part… of Your Personalized Escape Hatch…


The Free Gas Report is YOURS to Keep FREE just for taking a no-obligation inspection of Instant Retirement Loopholes; an incredible and vast compendium of nifty tricks like the one I’ve been telling you about, all created for a sole purpose: to enable you to retire NOW, regardless of your current position!


Yes, you can still keep The Free Gas Report even if you decide this isn’t for you and you won’t have lost a penny.


But please let me explain more about Instant Retirement Loopholes and why I have no doubt that you’ll want to keep this powerful CD ROM program carefully constructed to thrust you towards a secure and comfortable retirement the very same minute you take them out of their box


Retirement Really Could be Just a Few Calls Away

        If you ever feel like your life resembles a prison sentence, this will feel like you just got a pardon!


        Following 1-2-3 step instructions on this disc and using the super-simple proprietary software, you’ll watch as the finish line of retirement literally draws closer and closer right before your eyes…


        It’s a beautiful thing to see!


Instant Retirement Loopholes makes the mountain come to you.


How is this achieved…?


Probably The World’s Largest Collection of Legal, Fast and Easy… ‘Retirement Loopholes’…!


That’s right, there are cracks in the system everywhere and we’re going to slip right through them… quite often just by making a FREE phone call from your armchair!


Are you up for that?


Good. Here’s how it works. First, use the special “Finish Line” software to enter the details of your own personal situation. Then, follow the simple steps on the CD. Some of these steps involve making a single phone call and are specially designed to be low/zero risk, virtually no effort and dead easy.


Our mission is simple:


We are going to slash your expenses WITHOUT drastically compromising your lifestyle AND we are going to get you cash and an automated, effortless income you can retire on, just like a pension… AND boost the payments you already have coming to you.


If you think about it, wealth is a function of what things cost. I mean, if everything was free to you, you’d be a wealthy retiree, right? If I could eliminate and/or reduce every single one of your living expenses, you would by definition be INSTANTLY RICHER. Likewise, if you had a secure and effortless income to cover any remaining expenses, you would be RETIRED!


I understand how you feel currently; stuck in a cross-fire between the rapidly rising cost of living, and dwindling, increasingly threatened income. Well, the marines are here with an airlift to pull you out of bandit-country…


Makes the Mountain Come to YOU…


            Take a look at just some of what you can expect in your Instant Retirement Loopholes kit:


     How to wipe out your debts WITHOUT declaring bankruptcy in a single call, thanks to this long-forgotten loophole…


      Up to $1,000 off your property tax bill from this oversight by Congress AND secrets of getting the state to LOWER your property tax even more…


      Whistleblower secrets from the insurance industry- how simply knowing about these cons slashes your bills massively with a few calls…


      How in just one easy, fast, no-risk, no-cost move, you could retire in luxury IMMEDIATELY…


      How to get a FREE extra 5% on your money thanks to the government…


      The simple secret that lets you GET PAID just for owning your favorite stocks (and I mean ASIDE from the dividend the stock pays)…


      How to get your investment income/pension completely TAX-FREE LEGALLY (up to $60,000 a year!)…


      How to get your healthcare co-pay drastically reduced at no extra cost…


      The single sentence that can cut your cable bill in half without sacrificing any channels…


      The 3 letters that make your Internet bill a third of what it is now…


      How to get the government to pay your power bills AND save even more on what you pay already…


      How to get unlimited FREE phone calls…


      How to live the high life on a shoestring…


      How to get FREE life insurance and pension…


      How to get FREE rent…


      How to get FREE vacations including 5 star cruises…


      Legal Post Office loopholes to cut postage bills…


      How to get free meals in restaurants WITHOUT being embarrassed…


      Inside secrets of car dealers and how to get FREE cars…


      What your gas station DOESN’T want you to know…


      50 legitimate tax deductions you might well have missed…


      How the classic con-tricks work and how to spot them…


      The dirty little secrets of HMOs and fatal hospital mistakes exposed…


      The greatest medical cover-up of our time that could be robbing people blind… and killing them…


      How to secure your home effectively for next to nothing…

      How to get your pick of government auctioned items…

      Slash health insurance- what the healthcare industry doesn’t want you to know…

      How to get FREE prescription drugs (yes, FREE) and the low cost method of getting your drugs without having to buy from Canada…

      How to get FREE college education for your kids/grandkids (and no, I’m not just talking about scholarships!)…

      The most common credit card rip-offs that are costing people BILLIONS…

      11 tricks some lawyers use to ramp up your legal bills…

      The FREE website that locates money you may not even know you’re owed…

      How to legally get your hands on your IRA cash BEFORE you’re 59.5 years old AND TAX-FREE…

      The ultimate safe-income secret that’s IMMUNE to market crashes and that your financial advisor won’t tell you about (because it pays sales people less commission)…

      The legitimate social security loophole that lets you get $620 a month MORE than anyone else in retirement…

      FREE MONEY that the government may owe you NOW…

      Get paid just to watch TV AND read newspapers…

      How to ‘tax’ the people who want to work for a living…

      The 7k in 7 days secret…

      How to cash in, risk-free and effortlessly from younger peoples’ poor spelling. 100% ethical and legal…

      12 cash piles you could be sitting on right now without even knowing…

      A lifetime royalty stream from other peoples’ genius from your armchair with a few phone calls…

      100 armchair business blueprints…

      46 ways to get cash in a hurry that you don’t have to pay back…

      A FREE revenue-generating website in 5 minutes…

      How to get your mortgage paid off for FREE AND keep your home (and no, I don’t mean a ‘reverse mortgage’ or a loan!)…

      A no-strings 6-figure check WITHOUT a business or investing…

      The file you may have in your house that’s a fat check just waiting to be cashed…



Thousands of dollars could be YOURS, just waiting for you to claim them and sail off into the sunset. 


How much would an investment like this be worth to you?


This lifetime membership also includes FREE new products and reports (like The IPA Report) as they come available- I’m constantly searching for new strategies to improve and enhance our strategy… and they are yours FREE.


But how do I know all this stuff?


Years of research and testing combined with bringing together the greatest ‘short-cut minded’ people I could find all over the world; lawyers, entrepreneurs, government insiders, whistleblowers, you name it.


But why won’t the media or government report this?


            The answer is sickening…


Because they have a lot to lose by you becoming wise; they have to keep us spending and working until we drop to ensure this runaway ‘debt-train’ stays on the rails- the whole world economy revolves around Americans spending what they don’t have on stuff they don’t need. Corporate advertisers who sponsor (and therefore influence) the media NEED you to keep spending and getting into debt. And retired people aren’t good for increasingly tax-hungry, fiscally irresponsible governments…


Our forefathers would be turning in their graves. Politicians tell us to spend money because it’s “patriotic”, yet Benjamin Franklin once said: “A penny saved is a penny earned.”


America and her people are great. We deserve better…


United We Stand


If you’re like me, you’ve had enough…


We’ve had enough of being ripped-off… of being exploited… of being lied to… of the greedy corporations and sneaky politicians thinking they can continue to get away with this by us sacrificing everything we’ve worked for our whole lives…


To quote that famous 1976 movie-line from “Network”: “We’re as mad as Hell and we’re not going to take it anymore!”


What we want is simple…


The retirement we were promised, the retirement we deserve- a REAL retirement WITHOUT doing any hard work or taking big risks. We REFUSE point-blank to be one of those people having to work packing bags at the grocery store in retirement. We want to be able to take our kids or grandkids to McDonald’s, NOT be the one serving the burgers there!


We won’t be the ones being legally squeezed anymore… ‘THEY’ WILL.


Are you united with us?


Ready to turn the table…?


The Future is Now


The whole world may be trying to rip you off, but that most definitely isn’t the case here. In fact, I challenge you to find anything that is such an incredible value as this…


Your investment in the Instant Retirement Loopholes CD program, proprietary ‘Finish Line’ software, FREE bonuses including the one you’ve read about here AND another one I’ll tell you about it a second, lifetime membership for continual updates and FREE additional material is just $247! BUT, if you reply to this invitation within 48 hours you can get your hands on this ‘retirement in a box’ for ONLY $77 (plus s&h)!!


You can pick your jaw up off the floor now...


            I mean, now that you know the kind of life-changing information that’s included, I hope you realize that this could be the best investment you ever make in your entire life!


It isn’t too late to direct your one, irreplaceable life down a bright new path…


Life BEGINS at Retirement


I don’t mean to sound morbid, but you only get one go at this, you know.


Life, I mean…


Now, you’re getting it easy because I’m handing over my biggest secrets to you on a plate, but it took me years to get to that point. The hard way.


Want to know what my driving force was?




I was afraid I would end up some old geezer who had wasted her life for ‘The Man’. By never going ‘all guns blazing’ after my most cherished dreams. I had a vision of dying broke in a dilapidated nursing home after being one of those abuse cases we hear so much about.


Is that what you want?


I know you feel fear too. What I say is to take that fear and harness its power. Trust your gut and go with it!


Here’s something that will allay what fear or doubt you may have. There are no guarantees in life or business but we will provide you with one all the same…


Rock Solid 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Let me send you Instant Retirement Loopholes at no risk to you. If you like, open the package, explore the entire and run the software, do what you want to inspect it. Why not even put our system into practice that very day! If you decide you don’t want to keep it, simply return it within 30 days after receiving it, in ANY condition, for ANY reason for a refund less shipping & handling. YOU MAY STILL KEEP THE 'Free Gas' REPORT with our compliments for trying out Instant Retirement Loopholes. You absolutely have nothing to lose but your retirement dreams…


            I sincerely hope this must be a no-brainer for you now and that I shouldn’t even need to mention that I have ANOTHER powerful FREE bonus… but I will mention it anyway…!


YOUR FREE Bonuses Alone Could Let You Retire!


Instant Retirement Loopholes FREE BONUS #1: The Free Gas Report you already know about here.


Instant Retirement Loopholes FREE BONUS #2: The IPA Report. Somewhere in your home now, is probably a document that could allow you to retire in luxury! It doesn’t involve risking a penny or re-mortgaging your house and you can set the whole thing up from your armchair. The IPA Report shows you how to make this lucrative money-secret work for you. Don’t throw any papers away until you’ve read this!


And yes, you can keep this one too even if you decide to send the Instant Retirement Loopholes kit back! And no, I didn’t misprint the price- all this really is just $77 (plus s&h only if you respond immediately after receiving this invitation, otherwise it will be $247).


So, what’s stopping you from getting started? At the very least, you’ll have a back-up plan; you’ll have packed a parachute just in case…


The Ultimate ‘Plan B’ in Your Back Pocket


Even if you only use a few of these 100% legal loopholes, you could easily get back triple your money within ONE HOUR of receiving this investment. And even if you don’t use Instant Retirement Loopholes now, there may come a day when you’ll want this ‘survival kit’ at hand… but this opportunity will have come and gone.




Are you going to sit and wait for your existing source of income to be the next casualty while you wait in vain for a politician to ‘save us’ - or get on board an existence where you can snap your fingers in the face of whatever catastrophe life serves up next?


There’s a ‘Add To Cart’ button below. By pushing it now you will propel your life down a whole new path for sure, whichever way you look at this.


As they say: “At the end of your days, you don’t regret the things you did; you regret the things you didn’t do.”


You can either sit on your assets (if you have any!) and watch in horror as inflation, taxation, devaluation, currency crises and quite possibly redundancy dissolves them, or you can let get your hands on this escape plan.


You’re currently sitting on a sinking ship. You can either sit there and pray, begging the captain to tell you it isn’t true, or you can jump in this lifeboat! Or, you could always work until you drop packing bags at the grocery store or flipping burgers...


            You always have a choice.


Simply CLICK HERE and let a comfortable retirement begin NOW…



Jim Samson

P.S. I know you’re looking for the catch, but this does take a lot of time or cost money to set up, it’s NOT risky or illegal, it does NOT only apply to people on welfare, you do NOT have to be a hired driver or a cab-driver, you do NOT have to do any selling face to face or deliver something while you drive, you do NOT have to drive hundreds of miles a day and you do NOT have to invest to get a dividend from an oil company stock! See for yourself!

P.P.S. And remember, The Free Gas Report is just one money-spinner out of HUNDREDS in the Instant Retirement Loopholes CD set AND you get to keep The Free Gas Report even if you decide to return the rest of the package under the no-risk, no-cost guarantee! Just answer a few questions with the special software, follow simple instructions (sometimes like making a FREE phone call from your armchair!) and watch as we get you closer and closer to retirement the very same day you open the box! Stop being ripped-off, use these 100% legal loopholes and snatch back the retirement you were promised…



Copyright © TML Group, LLC. All rights reserved. Protected by copyright laws of the United States and international treaties. This material may only be used pursuant to the subscription, license or sale agreement, and any reproduction, copying, or redistribution (electronic or otherwise, including on the world wide web), in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of TML Group, LLC, 1706 E. Semoran Blvd., Suite 114 Apopka, FL 32703. Participation in this program is subject to the terms and conditions set forth at: www.themidaslegacy.com/terms . Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Results depicted are not typical of most results. Your results may vary. These income examples are unique and represent unique experiences of the writer. Some individuals purchasing the program may make little or NO MONEY AT ALL. These claims are not a guarantee of your income. Individual results will vary greatly depending upon your input, determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions. No person or company can guarantee profits or freedom from loss. Any and all use of this website certifies you are agreeing to our Earnings and Income Disclaimers.

TML Groups’ programs are instructional in nature and are for educational purposes only. Whether or not such materials may be used to expand or start a business is purely the decision of the purchaser and the use of all or part of these materials in connection with a business is optional and outside the control of TML. Any references to “businesses” are intended to mean strategies and systems that could be implemented by the buyer.

Always consult a licensed securities professional and/or a registered investment adviser when it comes to investment planning. Any investments recommended in this material should be made only after consulting with your securities professional and/or investment adviser and only after reviewing the prospectus and financial statements of the company in question. Although our employees may answer your general customer service questions, they are not licensed under securities laws to address your particular investment situation. No communication by our employees, our representatives, The Midas Legacy, or TML Group, LLC to you should be deemed as personalized financial advice.